Episcopal Church
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
"To know Christ,...
and to make Him known."
Join us this Sunday
8AM & 10AM
Christmas 2024
Tuesday, Dec. 24th, "Christmas Eve"
4:00 PM Lessons & Carols
Inside Calvary’s Sanctuary & Nave
With a selection of your favorite hymns, see the pageantry of children who will reenact the Lucan narrative foretelling the birth of the Christ child, and concluding with a simple reception of the Blessed Sacrament/host of Christ. It is sure to be special and sacred. Fr. Jon Roberts will lead the service and preach a brief homily. A Christmas love offering is greatly appreciated.
9:00 PM Lessons & Carols
Inside Calvary’s Sanctuary & Nave
Livestreamed on our Calvary Episcopal Facebook page.
The ancient day of the nativity of our Lord comes to focus at the scene of Bethlehem, with Holy Family, Shepherds and Angels gazing at the manger. Your favorite hymns and readings of the nativity will bring the season of Christmas, ever so near with joy and hope. The Paradis Quartet, along with Calvary bell ringers and vocalists will make this an even more special and sacred event. Fr. Jon Roberts will lead the service and preach a brief homily. A Christmas love offering is greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, Dec. 25th "Christmas Day"
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist
Inside Calvary’s Sanctuary & Nave
A simple and precious time of looking upon the Christ child with reverence and awe. Come enjoy the simplicity of the birth. It is the morning of solemnity whence the babe is asleep in the manger. Fr. Roberts will offer a brief homily. Christmas hymns will be sung and a love offering is appreciated.