Episcopal Church
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

"To know Christ,...
and to make Him known."
Join us this Sunday
8AM & 10AM
Christian Education
Christian formation comes in various ways, but perhaps most through knowledge via scripture, tradition and our reason (rationale intellect). At Calvary we offer such education to both Youth and Adults and take into account that they require different approaches in order for us to enhance and inform our faith in Jesus Christ. Some of what we offer for Christian Education can be found in the progressive route from youngest to eldest in the following:
Regularly Scheduled Programs
Jr. Acolytes 8-17 year old (Sundays)
Sr. Acolytes 18+ year old (Sundays)
Adult Bible/History Study (Wed.)
Wednesday Noon Homilies & Mass
Facebook Daily Offices (M-Th)
Per Demand Scheduled Programs
Children's Chapel (K-8th)
High School Forum (9th-College)
Youth Confirmation Class (7-10th)
Advent/Lent Devotions
First Communion Class (K-1st)
Adult Confirmation Class
St. Michaels Conference (8th-College)
Other Helpful Resources

Inquirer's Class
Fr. Jon Roberts will lead us in his 6-week course, titled, "Scripture, Tradition and Reason" that covers a general path of learning for Christian education. The course begins July 31, 2022 and will span into September, following the summer 9AM Holy Eucharist service at Church. Anyone wishing to be confirmed, affirmed or received officially into the Episcopal Church is invited as well as anyone who simply wishes to receive a refresher on these topics. There is "homework" to do each week for preparation and will be provided. We meet at 10:30am in The Meeting Room at Calvary. Please send to jroberts@calvaryirb.org RSVPs.