Episcopal Church
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
"To know Christ,...
and to make Him known."
Join us this Sunday
(Summer Service)
September 12, 2021
September 12, 2021
Parish Hall
After the 9AM service
Rejoice, Re-Engage, Reaffirm, and... Rejoice!
Welcome to Calvary Episcopal Church, Indian Rocks Beach! My name is Mary Schock and I have been a member of Calvary for 10 years. A lot has changed through the years but nothing can compare with 2020/21. COVID 19 pandemic has tested the world. I am proud to say, Calvary has remained steadfast to its mission “To Know Christ and Make Him Known.”
We will continue to offer “virtual” services online to link us together and this includes bible studies, pastoral care and support for all. As we see more return to the pews would you like to re-engage and reaffirm your participation in person or continue online? If so, in the Bible scripture reminds us, “We are One Body in Christ with Many Members” - 1 Cor. 12:12-27.
Fall 2021 is rapidly approaching. We are praying you will prayerfully consider your calling for the coming year. Keep an eye out for “Ministry Fair” details to come on the Calvary Website, Fall newsletter, and Enews. There are so many options to make this year at Calvary a reward for all, whether it’s face to face or virtual. The reward is God’s love, peace and hope. All we need to do is pray and trust in God for guidance and His people with multiply. We are all in this together! I hope you will re-engage with Calvary, to re-affirm the Love of Christ, in order to make Him known to others. In everything, let us Rejoice in the Lord as I am excited for the future. With God’s help and a re-engaged congregation, we can do this. Father Jon and the Vestry are all here to pray us through and to guide. Peace and God’s Blessing to all.
Mary Schock, Vestry, Fellowship Commission