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1982 Hymnal

(With Youtube links)



#149 Eternal Lord of Love, behold your church

Holy Week


#154 All glory, laud and honor



#179 Welcome Happy Morning

#182 Christ is alive

#205 Good Christians all rejoice and sing

#207 Jesus Christ is risen today

#208 The strife is o'er

#210 The Day of Resurrection



#225 Hail thee festival day

Holy Days & Various Occasions


Holy Trinity


#362 Holy, Holy, Holy

#370 I bind unto myself today

Praise to God


#400 All Creatures of our God and  king

Jesus Christ our Lord


#450 All hail the power of Jesus' name

#460 Alleluia, sing to Jesus

#473 Lift High the Cross

#474 When I survey the wondrous cross

#495 Hail thou once despised Jesus

The Holy Spirit


#512 Come Gracious Spirit

The Church


The Church's Mission


#535 Ye servants of God

#537 Christ for the world we sing

#552 Fight the good fight

Christian Vocation & Pilgrimage


#558 Faith of our fathers

Christian Responsibility


The Kingdom of God


The Church Triumphant


Holy Scripture


The Christian Life


#645 The King of Love my Shepherd is

#664 My Shepherd will supply my need

#680 O God, our help in ages past

#685 Rock of Ages

#690 Guide me O thou great Jehovah

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