Episcopal Church
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
"To know Christ,...
and to make Him known."
Join us this Sunday
(Summer Service)
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a reverent body of Calvary members who honor the Lord by their quiet and deliberate intent to make the worship service meaningful through preparation of the Altar. The Altar is the center point and focus of our worship as the Blessed Sacrament of our Lord is offered as a sacrifice every Holy Eucharist. Therefore we are reverent and meditative in our actions, never seeking credit or attention, we are the silent and prayerful team of people who hold the Lord's Temple as a place of true holiness. The following prayer speaks to the very essence of the work of your Altar Guild here at Calvary:
Most gracious Father who has called me, your child, to serve in the preparation of your Altar, so that it may be a suitable place for the offering of Your Body and Blood, Sanctify my life and consecrate my hands so that I may worthily handle those Sacred Gifts which are being offered to you. As I handle holy things, grant that my whole life may be illuminated and blessed by you, and that the people who shall be blessed by their use may find their lives drawn closer to him whose Body and Blood is our hope and our strength, Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN
These words provide the foundation for helping us achieve our mission which is to prepare all things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments and offices of the church. The preparations are done in a manner so that any service may be conducted in beauty for the worship of Almighty God and his son Jesus Christ our Lord.
The members of our Altar Guild are always mindful of the high privilege of serving in the sanctuary. We view our ministry as a sacred trust in conjunction with all members, not only of the Altar Guild, but of the entire parish. As members of the guild we are divided into weekly work teams and take turns doing our housework on alternating Saturdays in preparation for Sunday services. Members also take the responsibility for mid week services.
The specific duties of the guild include:
Preparing the sanctuary for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist
Caring for vestments, vessels, and linens
Setting out the Altar flowers
Ordering supplies
Maintaining the sanctuary candles
Filling the sanctuary fonts
Assisting with the greening of the Church at Christmas
Decorating for Easter on Holy Saturday
Assisting the Head of the Altar Guild, Father Jon, with any direction he may give us
We have been blessed this year in increasing our membership. We would welcome all who might be interested in joining our group. Service on the Altar Guild is not a job, it is a prayer in itself. It is not only an active ministry in the parish, but can also be a wonderful contemplative break – dedicated time for your spirit to rest in the presence of God. When undertaken in his spirit, the duties of caring for the altar become precious.
For further information contact Mrs. Cathy Athanson