Episcopal Church
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

"To know Christ,...
and to make Him known."
Join us this Sunday
8AM & 10AM
The Sabbatical

" Behold I will make all things new" Revelation 21:5
Our Church embarks on a journey, called "Sabbatical." Below, you will see links to a Q&A, a Presentation, and some very informative articles & studies to give you a good understanding on why all Churches should consider a Sabbatical. The Church, "at-large" needs to prepare for what we believe is coming and to be prepared. Self-care for all our members and especially our Priest, will be essential to strengthen our resolve for the next ten years. Every member will be asked to participate, to create, to make all things new. Can Calvary move from a Pastoral-size parish to a Transitional-size, whereas all members of leadership have purposes that fulfill the gifts God has given each? This period of time, over the short course of July-October 2023 will require a great deal of planning and volunteerism. Pray about your involvement and track along with our progress. If you have any comments or need additional information feel free to email me HERE.
Thank you,
Karen La Corte-Nies, Sabbatical Chairman
The Sabbatical Plan
A narrative of our Sabbatical Plan is provided in detail by our Chairperson, Karen LaCorte-Nies
My Way of Love
Powered by Renewal Works, learn the seven practices for a Jesus centered life
October 14
Fr. Jon & Lynne Roberts Welcome Home Dinner
Join us in this catered event as we welcome home our Rector and his wife and hear about their journey
May 27
Praying in Color
Learn a creative new way to pray by "coloring" as Sybil Macbeth facilitates this workshop

June 17
Fr. Jon & Lynne
Bon Voyage Dinner
Come join us in this potluck dinner to wish these two off on their journey for 16 weeks
White Horse Inn
Podcast study
Learn about topics that are relative to our common worship: Teaching on The Sacraments
Reference Articles
There are many resources to help us understand the purpose, history and applications
May 5-6
Water and the Word
Bishop Doug Scharf and other keynote speakers present the importance of spiritual renewal
June 25-July1
Spiritual Renewal
Join Fr. Jon & Lynne at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, NC
September 16
Bishop Doug Scharf
Morning Retreat & Lunch
A continuation of the May "Water & the Word" conference that will emphasize spiritual renewal
The Sabbatical Budget
Both the Clergy & Church will experience a sabbatical with expenses for each
January 6
Fr. Greg Syler
Zoom Call
Listen to the experience of a priest who recently led his parish through a recent sabbatical
TOTAL: $35,000
Donations received
(as of May 23, 2023)
Supply Priests
Substitute Clergy on Sundays to Preach Sermons, Celebrate the Holy Eucharist, Meet with Lay Leaders
Business Travel
Domestic Conference & International Field study travel
Parish Renewal
Spiritual renewal programs; "Praying in Color", "My way of Love" and "The Circle Maker"; Guest speakers & (2) fellowship dinners
Professional Expenses
4-week lodging, meals, art materials, insurance, museum, tours in Europe
Continuing Ed
Kanuga "Renewal" Conference, Christian art appreciation field study in Europe

Reference Articles
Sabbaticals for Ministers
Part of the Pastor's Advocate Series, this details the history and purpose of sabbaticals
The wearing of the soul
Jon Brown addresses how clergy burnout has skyrocketed since the pandemic
Liminality & Leadership
Gretchen E. Ziegenhals describes the importance of "in-between" spaces for spiritual renewal
Sabbatical Presentation
Karen LaCorte-Nies provided this presentation for the parish two times in January to bring awareness to the project
Churches Recovering from Pandemic
The Lifeway Research study reveals how hard churches were hit by the pandemic and the burnout that followed
Calvary Document
Sabbatical Q&A
Many questions can be answered by this talking sheet with greater detail
Why don't I get a vacation?