Episcopal Church
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

"To know Christ,...
and to make Him known."
Join us this Sunday
8AM & 10AM
Youth Programs
Children's Chapel
From September through May, children receive a unique presentation of the Gospel for their enjoyment and understanding. After the Gospel all the children are led in procession to "Barge Hall" where they sit around the children's altar and enjoy the lesson taught by Clergy and Lay leaders. "What's in the mailbox," is a special way they are called to find out what the message of the day is about. Ages preK-8th are the suitable age ranges but those younger may come if accompanied by an adult.
Vacation Bible School
During the summer, volunteers host a themed event lasting a whole week where the children learn in a fun, unique way what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This event is being offered for the first time in over twenty years, in 2024.
For more details GO HERE.
Mission Trip
During the summer one domestic mission trip is selected in the United States in which those rising 6-12th graders will attend. Active membership and participation at Calvary is required and scholarships for financial aid are available. Missions trips were involved in providing opportunities for our youth to visit assisted living residents (Senior Care), low-income housing programs, working with underprivileged children at local day cares/sports camps and various other community service. These are the listings of our past mission destinations and affiliated organizations:
2015 Charleston, SC - Group Workcamps
2016 Nashville, TN - Group Workcamps
2017 Kenosha, WI - Group Workcamps
2018 Loveland, CO - Group Workcamps
2019 Vero Beach, FL - Epic Mission Trips
Greening of the Trees
Every fourth Sunday in Advent we enjoy the tradition of decorating our evergreens in preparation for Christmas. All families are invited and encouraged to come out and join us.
The Great Easter Egg Hunt
Eggs are a symbol of Christ's resurrection where new life begins and the shell becomes empty. As the tomb of Jesus was emptied, he went on to point the way to a new and eternal life that is mysterious and surprising. The children are on the hunt for something hidden but sure to be found on this day as hundreds of eggs are spread around our campus. Bring your own baskets. All families are invited and encouraged to come out and join us.
Youth Parking Lot Fundraiser
To assist our youth in attending special events, as mentioned above, we host 1-2 Saturdays throughout the year where our parking lot is used to park cars for big events. Typically in April and October, we raise money by asking people who want to park at the church for a donation for our Youth Program. Most often outsiders enjoy talking with our youth and parents who work the lots and to learn more about us.
The IRB Boat Parade
The Christmas Boat Parade at Calvary is a close up view, where we gather behind the church and watch the boats of IRB circle by our dockside. Lots of people gather in the parking lot, but as a member you get a much closer access. Great fun and unforgettable experience.
Youth Sundays
After school ends for the summer, a Sunday is declared as "Youth Sunday." Young people in our Church are chosen to be readers, acolytes, choir members and sometimes the eldest are asked to address the congregation about something related to their faith in Jesus. The youth love these days presented, especially when after the service we have "Talent Show" and they put it all on the line with song, dance, humor and unique talent.